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Ompallios, a DCC dragon

If I make a few dragons ahead of time, I'll be ready the next time my players run into one. Which happens. So meet Ompallios. The name came from the DCC appendix, but I recognized it from a top tier Clark Ashton Smith story.

Ompallios is a 162 year old azure dragon the size of a house and aligned with the neutral watchers. It prefers to protect its layer with Fey Runes and it has a couple potions (Human control, Super-heroism) for extra defense. Ompallios keeps tabs on its surroundings by asking local fauna what they have seen.

PCs of any level probably don't stand a chance, unless they grovel, throw down sacks of gold, and offer to go on potion-ingredient quests. If anyone rolls a natural 20 on Personality while grovelling, Ompallios will bond them with its patron, Ithha.

  • 10HD.
  • 60HP.
  • +10 init.
  • 25AC (half damage from mundane).
  • 50' spd.
  • 4d20 action dice.
  • +13 to hit (2 claws for d8s, bite for d12, and a tail slap for d20).
  • 2d14 dragon-crits.
  • stone gaze in lieu of an action die (target must save vs DC20 or be stoned).
  • 2 breaths a day of poison gas (save versus death; goes up to 90' covering 10xd3 feet) in lieu of an action die.
  • d30+6 to cast spells.
    • Color spray
    • Mending
    • Invoke patron (Ithha) 
    • Magic mouth
    • Locate object
    • Monster summoning
    • Paralysis (-2 to cast)
    • Make potion
    • Runic alphabet, fey
  • Can speak with animals 1/hour in lieu of an action die.
  • Can cause plants withing 100' to grow to entangling lengths (-2 to attacks and move at half speed for people stuck in the area) 1/hour in lieu of an action die.
  • Can reverse gravity in a 100' radius 1/day (it doesn't fall up, but everything else falls up 100') and cancel the effect to enjoy watching everyone fall in leu of an action die.

Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

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